Saturday, 24 November 2012

Doodlez on ma thigh...

So just a quick one before I upload a well-overdue update on my latest purchases/ outfits and an update on my jackets. I recently got my thigh tattooed! This was my second tattoo and was a lot bigger than my first one which was a quote from a book- called the bell jar (by Sylvia Plath) and a feather quill. I drew the face/ design for this tattoo with the idea of a native-american woman wearing a wolf headdress but couldn't draw the wolf and so the tattooist redrew it for me...AND I LOVE IT. I am aware that women did not wear the headdresses traditionally but that was an intentional mistake and rather than representing the traditional i wanted to invoke the idea of powerful women- embodying the power of the beast. Feminism FTW etc etc. So yeah... here is the original drawing and the actual finished piece:

 If you have any questions about the tattoo/ tattooist feel free to leave a comment :) I couldn't be happier with it!


  1. Oh wow I didn't realise you drew the face :D very impressive! Also LOVE the concept... feminism ftw ;)

    1. Yessss I drew le face, thankyou muchly! Love da ladays ya'know!
