Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Autumnal optimism

Hey guyz and galz, today in watford the weather was pretty nippy so in my eagerness to get round to the 'winter wardrobe' i threw on a chunky knit over my outfit. The jumper was (of course) from a local charity shop and i wore it over a shirt i picked up on ebay for around £20. The tights were from topshop a couple of years back and i would love to say i purposely ripped these to achieve the shabby-chic look but it would be a lie. They are simply too old and crying to be thrown away but i love them all the more for it. My indian style earring was from ebay but the gold spike one was from topshop (and i believe is still on the website somewhere, possibly sale). Soon enough i will have to start getting a friend to take pictures for me as my room has THE WORST lighting for vanity picture taking! Look out for another customised jacket post coming soon as my mother dearest bought me a sewing machine early for my birthday (she is a saint). NO MORE BLEEDING FINGERS! Hope you all enjoy your week xx

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