Good morning bloggers,
WARNING: LARGE AND IRRELEVANT POST AHEAD.So, on the weekend it was my big fat 22nd birthday and as much as i didn't feel this event to be something worth celebrating i ended up having a ridiculously busy weekend! On the Thursday my girlfriend took me to stay at the Grove hotel and we had a lovely meal, stay and breakfast! Unfortunately I didn't manage to get to many pictures of this night or the next evening (which we spent at Jamie Oliver's restaurant in St Albans). But I'll go ahead and post the couple i did manage to get anyway:

So this is me and Nat at the grove, I'm wearing the glittery maxi skirt i picked up from primark (check previous post) and one of two crop top/sports bras I also picked up in primark! They come in a pack of two for £4 with two different colours in each pack. My studded leather jacket is from Topshop and the necklace was a last minute DIY 'tangggg. Nat is wearing a vintage Levis jacket, a swallow T from Topman and grey skinnies.
The next set of pictures are of my present from Nat and of our meal at Jamie Oliver's restaurant on Friday night:

As you can see, I'm pretty much wearing the EXACT same thing! As we had to go straight from the Grove into London and then from Nat's to Jamie Oliver's I had very little choice of clothing available! But i did wear my brand new Jeffrey Campbells out to dinner and I am completely IN LOVE with them.
AND FINALLLY:On Saturday night I had a couple of people round my house (after a lot of pressure from Nat and friends to do something). As it was organised so last minute a lot of people couldn't come (sob) but i ended up having a lovely night regardless.

The cakes were made by my mum and sister and looked sooo pretty on the cake stand and seemed to go down a treat because by the morning there were about 4 left! The red paisley/Moroccan looking dress i'm wearing in these pictures is from Urban outfitters and i got it for £45. In the Oxford street Urban outfitters they have (on the second floor) a reworked vintage section with the most amazing dresses and this is where i found mine. You can wear it with a belt like i did or just hanging loose like a shift dress for a more casual, daytime look. Lastly, i wanted to say that the false eyelashes i'm wearing in ALL OF THESE PICTURES are form primark! For years I've been wearing Eyelure naturalites eyelashes which cost around £5-6 but i lose them all the time, down the back of radiators or up the hoover etc. So i thought I'd give these £1 bargains a go and they are amazing! I recommend that everyone goes out and purchases a set! You will not be sorry! Thanks for reading my incredibly long, irrelevant, probably slightly boring post and keep an eye out for more jackets coming soon!